Bee Hives for Sale — Excellent Input to Know Prior to Investing in Your Beehive

If you are new to beekeeping, you are pretty excited to get started with your new hobby. You are anxious to get your own beekeeping kit! You are probably looking for bee hives for sale.

A bee hive is the sanctuary to a colony of bees. Here is where they live, reproduce and go about their daily lives. Obtaining a highly fuctional bee hive is an integral component of beekeeping. Lately, there has been a rise in the number of people who are beginning beekeeping. This is partly due to the ability to create an income from selling the honey bees’ produce — honey, honey combs, beeswax, etc.

I’m sure you will want to make well informed decisions by doing a thorough study about bee hives and beekeeping. By being informed you can save a lot of money.

As you begin studying bee hives for sale, you will learn there are several forms and structures available. Among those that are available are these four brands: Langstroth, Top bar hives, Skeps and Bee gums.

When deciding on a bee hive to use, these are a few elements to investigate: quality of the hive, cost of the hive, and why you have decided to get into beekeeping.

You can find a lot of new bee hives for sale online and perhaps in your local area, (based on where you live). These are usually expensive, depending on the type of bee hive you buy. Prices usually range from approximately $300 USD up.

If funds are tight, you maywant to look for used bee hives for sale. These can be found online. They are being sold by beekeepers who are wishing to change their old beehives. Retiring beekeepers also sell their hives. Used beehives are much cheaper than brand new ones; but still are great for starting beekeepers.

If you are the type of person who is talented enough to and enjoys building items yourself; you might as well build your own bee hive. It is less expensive that way and you can make your hive exactly how you want. You can find books or online articles that will guide you with the creation of your own bee hive.

Beekeeping done the right way has the potiential of being a very good business since you can sell your golden honey, some of your bees, the beeswax, some honey comb and even some of your materials to other people who are just beginning this hobby/business venture.

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Visit here to find out more about beekeeping and bee hives . Take a look at our very informative website and don’t forget to sign up for a FREE e-mail mini course and a FREE e-book about the Essentials of Beekeeping.

Apiary Supplies – Langstroth Bee Hive

Are you serious to expand your beekeeping business? Then, managing an apiary for honey beekeeping is a strategy that is worth to be considered. Building an apiary of your own is quite simple, as I once told you. You can just rent a piece of land that is near to nectar sources to ease your bees to collect nectar.

Other things to consider and to attend to are the temperature of your apiary location where you should consider a place with a maximum temperature that isn’t too hot. Security of your hives as well as the safety of passing people should be taken care. And to avoid the bees leaving the hive, avoid windy places.

Now, let us talk about a beekeeper supply which is most vital to your apiary honey business. The beehive. This is the housing of your little creatures, which are going to work for you to collect nectar and transform it into honey. And talking about bee hives, the name of Langstroth should be taken into consideration.

Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth, a Reverend from Philadelphia is the gentleman who invented the movable bee hives which today become the reference and standard of beehive construction all over the world. His invention in 1851 is considered a milestone in beekeeping.

The main advantage is that bees are encouraged to build their honeycombs into movable frames. The design of the frame is such so that the bees are not able to attach wax between frames or to the hive wall. Bees are also disabled to use propolis to cement the frames to the box sides. This movable frames makes it easier for the beekeeper to perform his delicate task, which was impossible in the past time.

The typical Langstroth hive is constructed in such way so that the frames are separated from the surrounding parts of the hive. This includes all walls, the floor, the cover of the hive and other frames. The frames are the spots where the bees build their comb. The Langstroth design has set an exact separation gap of 3/8 inch or 6.35 mm.

Removing a frame from a hive will be much easier since the beekeeper does not need to cut any combs which were the problem in the earlier hive design. Formerly, the beekeeper had to cut the adhered frames to the adjacent structures which were cemented by the bees using propolis. Removing the honeycombs easily provides practicality to a beekeeper to manage multiple hives on a regular basis in a very safe way.

The standard Langstroth hive includes (from top to bottom):

  • A telescoping cover
  • Inner cover
  • One or more supers or hive bodies
  • Queen excluder (optional)
  • 8 – 10 frames of various sizes this include a cell foundation
  • Brood box
  • Bottom board
  • Hive stand

Setting up an apiary with multiple hives is quite an easy task, since there are plenty of beekeeping kits available which include the beehives. You just decide how you are going to expand your business. You can judge this using your past experience of beekeeping. Good luck and great success!

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About the Author

Uno Birawan is a writer and wrote a lot about beekeeping. You can find the information on Beekeeper Supplies by visiting his site