UFO / OVNI Feb 2011 / UFO-Birds? – 2

This take is from the same day as “UFO-Bird?”, Feb 5th, but I actually see them almost everyday. It’s very difficult to say something about them: sometimes they are dim, their number changes from one second to the other, sometimes they fly like birds, other like bees others like butterflies. On one ocasion there were many, easy to be seen and I asked my brother (just got a camera two weeks ago, this was before) “Do you see some birds flying on top of that building?” He could not, for him there was nothing flying on top of that building, and I was seeing them (that’s why I needed a camera!), after having the camera there was nothing flying on top of that building and I started to film… the screen of the camera was full of birds and I could see nothing with my naked eye on the building. On another ocasion I could see one of those “birds” leaving the spot, flying towards me (I’m about 300 meters from that building) and in just about one or two seconds it was at about 20 meters or less from me (It would take more than 20 seconds to get that close), it looked like a black butterfly and just disappeared in plain air. The expèrience of being watching them is so crazy, so “insane”, that it fells like if creatures from a dream are getting into this dimension ’cause they don’t obey at any physical law that we know. On another ocasion I saw a black butterfly flying form point A to point B, disappearing and just in that moment the exact same butterfly with the exact same movement

Source: YouTube

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